In our guidance, we highlight key types of action-summarized as our Action Framework (AR3T) - that companies can get started on today:
Avoid and reduce the pressures on nature loss, which would otherwise continue to grow.
Restore and regenerate so that the state of nature can recover (e.g., the extent and integrity of ecosystems and species extinction risk).
Transform underlying systems, at multiple levels, to address the drivers of nature loss.
These types of action and our understanding of the dynamics behind the loss of nature give structure to SBTs for nature—both in terms of the actions required of companies and the ambition level of targets that must be set and achieved. Within this structure, each company will set different targets, depending on its sector and specifics of its business.
Readers should note that in our guidance, we emphasize the actions that companies can undertake on their own because these are often easier for companies to get started on today. However, the science is clear that the problems facing business and society are system-wide, intertwined, and connected to a broad array of actors.
The problems we face therefore demand that companies go beyond individual action to push action through their value chains and explore system-level collaboration and transformation, such as through landscape and jurisdictional initiatives.